Pentor Finance - English Website/Keywords

Pentor Finance - English Website/Keywords

60 day notice, debt consolidation, mortgage broker, private mortgage, second mortgage


Address: 4 Avenue King, Suite 300, Pointe-Claire

Address: Quebec, H9R 4G7, Canada

Telephone: 514-505-4800

Website: Visit Website

Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 8:30am - 5pm



PENTOR Finance is a Quebec based alternative lender. We offer customized mortgages on residential, semi-commercial and multi-family properties. Mortgages are interest only and are fully collateralized by real estate with typical terms of 6-18 months. PENTOR Finance takes a unique approach towards underwriting, to ensure that every client has an exit strategy in place. We refer to the exit as the “Graduation Strategy”. PENTOR Finance est un prêteuralternatifdesservant le marchéquébécois. Nous offrons des solutions hypothécairespersonnalisées pour des propriétésrésidentielles, semi-commercialesetmultifamiliales. Nosprêtssontentièrementgarantis par des actifsimmobilierssur des termes variant habituellement de 6 à 18 mois. PENTOR Finance adopteuneapproche unique à la souscription, s’assurantquechaque client aitunestratégie de sortie mise en place. Nous référons à cettestratégie de sortie comme la “Stratégie de graduation”.
  • mortgage broker
  • Mortgage Brokers
  • debt consolidation
  • second mortgage
  • 60 day notice
  • private mortgage
  • second mortgag
  • Recommendations

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