BG&S Transmissions

BG&S Transmissions

Address: 4911 Superirior St., Lincoln

Address: Nebraska, 68504, United States

Telephone: (402)435-3637

Website: Visit Website

Opening Hours: 2:07:30:17:00,3:07:30:17:00,4:07:30:17:00,5:07:30:17:00,6:07:30:17:00




BG&S Transmissions isn't just an auto shop; it's a transmission shop.   In other words, they don't do tires, body work, or oil changes- they just do transmissions. It's the team's passion, and that's how you know you're getting the kind of scrupulous, one-on-one service that your car's unique repair needs demand.Since its inception  27 years ago, BG&S Transmissions has been the go-to resource for transmission  diagnostic service, transmission replacements and flushes, and much more. The  staff is as known for ethical and fair business practices as it is for meticulous expertise-and they'll never try to sell you on any product  you don't need. In fact, the majority of the cars that come through the doors  don't even need new transmissions; they just need a little TLC, which BG&S Transmissions is happy to provide.BG&S Transmissions services both cars and trucks, and  provides in-house warranties that range from one year and 12,000 miles to three years and 36,000 miles. What's more, most of BG&S Transmissions' technicians have over  30 years of experience in the field, so they rarely (if ever) run across any problems  they haven't seen before, or can't fix. With clutch repair and replacement  and free towing as part of the package, why would you bring your vehicle anywhere else?It all adds up to  the kind of service that makes old transmissions new again,and extends the  longevity of your car by a substantial margin. In fact, by calling BG&S Transmissions today at (402) 435-3637, you may very well be buying  yourself-and your ride-many thousands of miles of road trips together. Don't  hesitate to contact the pros todays!

  • Auto Services
  • Auto Care
  • Transmission Repair
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