Welcome Buying a top-quality breastpump, such as Medela Pump In Style or Ameda Purely Yours, at the best price is only the first step. You also need the information and support to use it optimally. The Art of Breastfeeding was founded in 1993. Our mission is to help you meet your breastfeeding goals. We do this by giving you what you need when you need it and by providing essential information through our breastfeeding articles on this site and through phone and e-mail support, so that when you receive your breastpump or product, you can get your questions answered by the experts.

We are excited to announce our new services!

We are now offering a more comprehensive lactation consultation which combines the necessary techniques and tools taught to you in your home AND cutting edge energy work designed to get a better knowledge of yourself, your baby, and your connection. The consultation includes a lactation home visit and an intuitive reading for you and your baby. We can then assess not only the physical issues but often hidden emotional and energy blocks. With this consultation, you and your baby will receive an energy healing to assist you in clearing the way for healing to occur.

Featured Articles

Are Used Breast Pumps a Good Option? Issues to Consider

What new mother wouldn’t like to save money on a breast pump? That’s why we are often asked: “Do you have used breast pumps available?” Some mothers have friends or relatives offering to lend them a used pump. Is a used pump a good option?

Open Systems vs. Closed Systems
Some mothers mistakenly assume that […]

Choosing a Breastpump

Not all nursing mothers need a breastpump. If breastfeeding goes smoothly and a mother chooses to take her baby with her wherever she goes (or if the baby nurses at predictable intervals so that the mother can slip out for a time without having to worry about missing a feeding), she may never feel […]

Featured Articles

****New Office Space**** We now are offering office visits in the Ravenswood neighborhood! Visits are scheduled by appointment so call or email us now to schedule.

Breastfeeding Made Simple: Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers

by Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC and Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, PhD, IBCLC Now only $9.99