QC Kinetix (Summerfield)

QC Kinetix (Summerfield)

Regenerative medicine near Augusta


Address: 17350 SE 109th Terrace Rd, Unit 4, Summerfield

Address: Florida, 34491, United States

Telephone: (352) 400-4550

Website: Visit Website

Opening Hours: Monday to Thursday 8:00AM to 6:00PM; Friday to Sunday 8:00AM to 4:00PM



Years of impact can take their toll on your bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons. For instance, the back and knees are often vulnerable to damage, and these injuries can be quite painful. Therefore, it is essential to seek treatment from a professional who understands the specific demands of your sport. At QC Kinetix (Summerfield), we offer natural regenerative techniques that can help your back heal and repair without surgery or long-term pain. Our Augusta, GA, patients have seen the benefits of our non-surgical solutions for treating spine and joint injury, so we look forward to helping you. Our team understands the annoyance and frustration of injuries, so we constantly strive to improve each treatment. We use the latest technology and techniques to get you back to your training or sporting activities. Therefore, if you are searching for back pain treatment near me, we are here to provide top-quality care.
  • Health
  • Chiropractor
  • hip replacement alternatives
  • joint pain relief
  • Shoulder pain relief
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