Loyal Order Of Moose

Loyal Order Of Moose

Address: 134 Goodman St Bakersfield Ca 93305, Bakersfield

Address: California, United States

Telephone: (630) 906-3658

Website: Visit Website

Opening Hours:


Find Us On: Facebook.com Linkedin.com Youtube.com




You may have heard the saying, “A burden heavy to one is borne lightly by many.” This is at the core of the Moose organization and what makes us unique in our Lodges, local communities and charitable “cities” that we support. Our roots can be traced to 1888 and the founder of the Moose, Dr. Henry Wilson, who successfully established the first Lodge in Louisville, Kentucky. In the early years, the Moose was to serve a modest goal of offering men an opportunity to gather socially, to care for one another’s needs and celebrate life together.

Since those early years, our fraternal  organization rapidly expanded to include valuable service to our communities, care for children and teens in need at Mooseheart Child City & School , a 1,000-acre campus, located 40 miles west of Chicago and care for our senior members at Moosehaven, a 70-acre retirement community near Jacksonville, Florida.

  • Rewards Program
  • Moose Convention
  • Moose Journalism Awards
  • Moose International Disaster Relief Fund
  • Travel Program
  • Advertisement

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