Hawleywood's Barber Shop

Hawleywood's Barber Shop

Hawleywood's Barber Shop


Address: 1806 Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa

Address: California, 92627, United States

Telephone: 949-631-2662

Website: Visit Website

Opening Hours: 9:00am-5:00pm




Remember waaaay back when in the good ol' days when you could go down to the local barber shop, get a straight razor shave, a nice tight haircut and enjoy the relaxed and comfortable atmosphere of a real men's sanctuary? Well guess what? It's back and it's called Donnie Hawleywood's Traditional Barber shop!  Located in an antique of a building in Costa Mesa, Calif., Hawleywood's feels like stepping into a time warp back to '40's Chicago. From the 0L' style two- tone brown floor to the sand colored walls heavily decorated with photos of friends and clients with names like James Intveld, Eddie Nichols of Royal Crown Revue, Big Sandy and Lee Rocker to name a few. Let's not forget motorcycle hero Chopper Dave!  Upon entering this men's sanctuary you'll see customers relaxing in vintage waiting chairs all the while cruisin' through another great issue of The Horse BackStreet Choppers and listening to some great music on the Hi-Fi. One thing you won't see at Hawleywood's is women. You all know how distracting a woman can be and who wants a straight razor shave with a buxom blonde in the joint?  So leave yer' 0L' lady at home because you might need to talk about her. And besides, no one ever looks cool in the middle of a hair cut. Donnie has been mastering this vanishing trade for more than ten years, but has been cutting hair for friends and relatives forever. Open just over four years ago, Hawleywood's attracts people from all walks of life from tattooed greasers to businessmen and everyone in between. No quick haircuts here brother, each cut lasts at least 45 minutes and you get all the bells and whistles.   After the hot face towel and a precise straight razor shave of your neck and face you'll get the most perfect taper you've ever seen, and Donnie will style you up with his own brand of pomade called ""Layrite."" This is the best pomade ever, it holds like wax and washes out like gel! Amazing! Next comes the old style barbershop neck massage machine that will knock your socks off! Be sure and pick up Donnie's after-shave called Hawleywood's #9. Smell like you just left the barber's chair whenever you want.

  • Hair Care
  • Shop
  • Barber
  • Barber Shop
  • Shoe Shining Service
  • Locations

    Address: 1806 Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa

    Address: California, United States

    Telephone: +1 949 631 2662

    Address: 545 W 18th St, Costa Mesa

    Address: California, United States

    Telephone: +1 949 631 2662


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