David Prusakowski, DMD - Endodontist

David Prusakowski, DMD - Endodontist

Specializing in Microscope-Assisted Endodontics


Address: 9291 Glades Road, Suite 301, Boca Raton

Address: Florida, 33434, United States

Telephone: 561-322-3535

Website: Visit Website

Opening Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm




We do everything in our power to maximize patient comfort and to provide the best, most predictable and long-lasting endodontic treatment possible.

Dr.Prusakowski and his staff have advanced training in the use of a state-of-the-art dental operating microscope. All endodontic care is provided using this technology to magnify and illuminate the area of concern for both Dr. Prusakowski and his dental assistant. The result is unparalleled access and view of the intricate internal canal systems of our patient's teeth and a more predictable outcome. To treat a problem properly one must be able to visualize the problem! We use a digital camera to record the images we see through the microscope for better communication and explanation of treatment needs with both referring dentists and our patients.

For complicated treatments and diagnosis we have an in-office cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) machine.  This incredible device provides a high resolution three dimensional scan of a patient's jaws to aid in diagnosis and treatment of complex cases. We are one of only a small percentage of endodontic practices that have this technology in-office to better serve our patients and referring offices with the most state-of-the-art care possible.

  • Root Canals
  • endodontics
  • root canal surgery
  • cone beam
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