Business Directory > United States > Alabama > Assisted Living Facilities

10171 Papageorge St, Daphne, Alabama, United States
Tel. #: 251-621-1717


Offers: Assisted Living, Skilled care / nursing home services offered on a case by case basis; level of care resident needs might exceed what Baldwin House is licensed to provide - it?s up to them to pay to have someone else come in and provide those services,
2366 Old Springville Rd, Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Tel. #: (205) 624-0964


Offers: Respite Care, Assisted Living,
200 George Hall Lane, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, United States
Tel. #: (205) 203-9182


Offers: Assisted Living Facility,
2171 Parkway Lake Dr., Hoover, Alabama, United States
Tel. #: (205) 650-1429


Offers: Memory Care, Assisted Living, Independent Living, Assisted Living Facility, Alzheimer's care,

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